María Teresita Chinchilla Miranda


Senior Advisor
Senior Advisor
Senior Advisor

María Teresita Chinchilla Miranda received her Bachelor of Archeology from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala. Her academic career then followed with a series of diplomas in various sectors related to the management of natural resources (senior management from INCAE and Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Ecological Economics from FLACSO, in planning and management of Protected Areas by CATIE, in Agroecology from ALTERTEC and in management of Buffer Zones by UPAZ). She has over twenty years of work experience in Project Management of sustainable development, community work and management of protected areas for national non-governmental organizations such as PROPETEN; and international as CARE. She has worked in management of development projects for Petén, in TNC and WCS as a consultant for planning and systematization of proposals; in national research agencies such as the Institute of Agrarian and Rural Studies; in governmental organizations such as the National Council of Protected Areas where she led the Technical Directorate at regional and national levels, overseeing the work of multidisciplinary teams. She is currently Advisor of the Strategic Management team of ACOFOP and in charge of project formulation. Formerly she held the position of Deputy Representative 2017-2018 and currently as 2019-2020 Head of all Environmental NGOs of Guatemala serving for the Honorable National Council of Protected Areas. ACOFOP representative to the Assembly of Environmental NGOs of Guatemala, currently as Member III of the Board of Directors.