• Day 2: Thursday, 30 August 2018

Landscape restoration models – a predominantly ecological construct doomed to failure in patriarchal societies if not adequately gendered?


The interconnections between ecosystems have been long understood and several variations of restoration models have been championed by researchers, academics, governments, civil society and more recently by the private sector, including big corporations. Participation is key to the development and implementation of successful restoration programs, and “decision makers” from all categories of “relevant” stakeholders are quickly identified and included in critical aspects of the development of restoration models. However, how far have these processes gone in unpicking underlying challenges faced by critical groups in the landscape? Is there a thorough understanding of the factors that might challenge assumptions related to widespread adoption of these processes in the long-term? This talk will address issues of access and control over natural resources, focusing specifically on the different ways in which, and the reasons why, women (if given the opportunity to do so) are likely to make different choices in planning restoration work. The talk will draw on enlightening conversations with women during the recently concluded ROAM study in Sussundenga District in Central Mozambique, in an area that includes the Chimanimani National Reserve, a key feature of this landscape.