• Day 2: Thursday, 30 August 2018

Biochar: A Win 4 Resilient Landscapes


This talk will present the win-win-win-win situation of biochar production and use in Kenya among small-scale farmers. This work involves use of farm-based crop and tree biomass by small-scale farmers for biochar production using gasifier cooking stoves.

What are the gains?

·      Efficient cooking energy systems reduce pressure on treed land;

·       Efficient cooking energy systems reduce women’s burden in sourcing cooking energy and reduce health risks associated to indoor pollution especially for women and children.

·       Adding biochar into the soil improves soil nutrients and moisture retention, increases pH, reducing acidity and enhances micro fauna. These improvements to soil conditions increase crop yields.

·       Adding biochar into the soil sequesters carbon, hence mitigates climate change. Saving trees also contributes to climate change mitigation.

The nexus of the above multiple benefits contribute towards resilient landscapes.


Learn more on Landscape News:

Innovative biochar producing gasifier stoves improve livelihoods and landscapes