Partner Event

Land-Food-Climate: Climate Resilience through the Right to Food

16 September 2021
12:00 - 15:00 UTC


Taking the perspective of African smallholder farmers and pastoralists who are among the most severely affected by the impacts of accelerated climate change, the discussions will highlight why responsible land governance is a critical link in implementing nature-based solutions that enhance sustainable livelihoods while protecting the environment. By gathering contributions from African and European thinkers, practitioners, and policy makers, the session aims to showcase possible pathways for realising the potential of African smallholder agriculture to not only contribute to the continent’s food security, but also expand climate-resilient livelihood opportunities for millions of unemployed Africans.

The session will conclude by exploring how some of the insights gained can inform the ongoing UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) process, and in particular concerns expressed that the Summit may not achieve its fundamental goal of transforming our broken food systems unless it ensures that the perspectives all key stakeholders groups are taken on board in the final outcome.

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