Laura Guarnieri


FOLUR Coordination, Integration and Capacity Development Specialist
FOLUR Coordination, Integration and Capacity Development Specialist
FOLUR Coordination, Integration and Capacity Development Specialist

Laura Guarnieri is an international consultant at the FAO Forestry Division. As a member of the GEF-7 FAO-FOLUR IP Global PMU, her main task is to coordinate the design, integration and application of, the Participatory Informed Landscape Approach (PILA), a cross-divisional structured and tailored approach in support of Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) in country projects. She is also responsible for strengthening country capacity on the geospatial component of ILM. She previously worked for FAO global projects at the Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment as land monitoring trainer and at the Land and Water Division as water harvesting specialist. She graduated from the Faculty of Environmental Engineering at the University of Florence. Before joining FAO she spent several years on the ground in Burkina Faso, working on agricultural development and restoration projects for non-profit organizations, NGOs and research institutes.