Hege Ragnhildstveit has 20+ years’ experience in rainforest protection, forest governance, indigenous peoples rights, deforestation-free supply chains and REDD+, from work in government and civil society. Chair of the Programme Committee for the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum. Has worked with Indonesia, Brazil, Guyana and Ethiopia in supporting their national plans for reduced deforestation and green growth. Leads NICFI’s work on stakeholder engagement, safeguards and the intersection between REDD+, sustainable development and rights. Policy lead for Norway’s participation in the Forest and Climate Leaders’ Partnership. She has worked on a number of initiatives to eradicate deforestation and rights violations in supply chains and create stronger demand side measures, including being the focal point for Norway’s chairing period of the Amsterdam Declarations Partnership, January- June 2021.
Acting Director & Senior Adviser
Acting Director & Senior Adviser
Acting Director & Senior Adviser
Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI)
Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI)
Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI)
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