Evidence based transformation of food systems – Building upon the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 and the State of the World’s Forests 2020

The session will feature presentations of the key findings of the recently published Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 (FRA) and the State of the World’s Forest (2020), followed by a panel discussion. The panel reflections will focus on the implication of these new insights for the focus and prioritization of actions by countries and their development partners to transform food systems to halt deforestation. The session will showcase existing solutions and how they may be scaled up and complemented to achieve the necessary systemic change.

Main session: Forest solutions to the triple crisis – food, climate and Covid-19

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Challenging conversation: finance and the transition to sustainable commodity production

This session will confront big ideas for shifting commodity production to more sustainable and safer alternatives. Two experts will draw lessons  from examples of UNEP’s recent work in Cote d’Ivoire and Indonesia, as well as recent analysis of the economics of sustainable coffee cultivation in Vietnam and sustainable beef production in Costa Rica. They will discuss a theoretical roadmap for transition to sustainable commodity production:  what is ‘sustainable commodity production’, what are the primary needs, what are the barriers and how can they be overcome.

Main session: Forest solutions to the triple crisis – food, climate and Covid-19

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Forest solutions to the triple crisis – food, climate and Covid-19

Da click aquí para la transmisión en español: https://app.interactio.io/Agenda/DirectedAgenda?eventId=22831
Click here for live English translation: https://app.interactio.io/Agenda/DirectedAgenda?eventId=22831

The current triple crisis has demonstrated that food security, health, livelihoods and forest conservation cannot be treated in isolation any longer. Sustainable agriculturerelies on healthy forest ecosystems, but the production of soft commodities is also the main driver for deforestation with climate and health consequences. Based on UN-REDD’s work with its partner countries, the three sessions will explore solutions for the transition from business-as-usual agriculture to deforestation-free, sustainable value chains in a building-back-better context, the fight against forest crime in the Lower Mekong region and the very latest findings on the state of the world’s forests (Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 and State of the World’s Forests 2020).


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Measuring Progress Learning Track Webscraping Tutorial

On 5 June, tune into a practical tutorial on web scraping from the GLF Measuring Progress Learning Track coordination team. The tutorial will last about 35 minutes, during which time participants can ask questions using Whova’s Q&A function. Afterwards, there will be a live Q&A based on questions curated during the tutorial.

Tutorial content and objectives
Web scraping is a method of extracting and restructuring information from web pages. Given the enormous quantity of unstructured data that is now populating the internet, web scraping is an essential skill for making sense of the world as we enter an information-led epoch. This tutorial will introduce the concept and then move on to basic techniques for web scraping using R, which is the most common programming language for statistical analysis. By the end of the tutorial, participants will be able to harvest unstructured text data from any website of their choosing and then perform simple analytics on the data they have collected. The script will be available for download on GitHub.

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Surprise concert by Rocky Dawuni!

GRAMMY-nominated musician and activist, Rocky Dawuni, will perform a surprise concert at the Global Landscapes Forum Digital Conference.

Dawuni straddles the boundaries between Africa, the Caribbean and the U.S. to create his appealing Afro Roots sound that unites generations and cultures. A galvanizing performer, Dawuni has shared the stage with Stevie Wonder, Peter Gabriel, Jason Mraz, Janelle Monae, and John Legend, among many others. Named one of Africa’s Top 10 global stars by CNN, he has showcased his talent at prestigious venues such as The Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center and The Hollywood Bowl. Rocky is a UN Goodwill Ambassador for the Environment for Africa as well as a UN Foundation Ambassador for the Clean Cooking Alliance. Through these designations, he uses his music to shine a light on crucial issues facing humanity across the globe through live concerts, speaking roles, panels, youth empowerment, and beyond. (Photo by Robert Kozek) http://www.rockydawuni.com

Check out Rocky’s newly released music video, “Champion Arise” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4gruy3zSqU&feature=youtu.be

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#GLFLive with Pasi Vainikka – growing food from thin air

Pasi Vainikka, Co-founder and CEO of Solar Foods, a company that uses renewable energy and carbon dioxide to create a nutrient and protein-filled powder that is similar to wheat and bland tasting called “Solein”. It is a new protein that the company claims is “100 times more climate friendly than any animal or plant-based alternative and 10 times more efficient than soy production in terms of land use.” Vainikka believes humanity is on the verge of a new food revolution and Solar Foods is already ahead of the game and will speak to award-winning journalist Natasha Elkington on 5 June about the future of Food Production.

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