Partner Event

Cryosphere Forum 2021: Status of research on changing permafrost and associated impacts in the Hindu Kush Himalaya

20 - 23 September 2021
Online via MS Teams


In the context of sparse permafrost studies in the Hindu Kush Himalaya and significant gaps in our understanding of distribution, thermal state, organic content, and mass dynamics, we are collaborating with Tribhuvan University (TU) to organise this forum on permafrost. As a follow up response to recommendations made during the session on permafrost degradation and GHG emissions during International forum on cryosphere and society: The voice of the Hindu Kush Himalaya, the forum will bring together regional and global experts to exchange knowledge on the region’s permafrost and explore avenues for research collaboration.  The forum will also raise awareness among policymakers on the implications of a changing permafrost for livelihoods, hydrological flows, infrastructure, and ecosystems.


  • Share existing knowledge related to permafrost in the HKH and learn about permafrost related issues in other regions
  • Discuss approaches and methods for permafrost monitoring and disseminate such information to the scientific community in the HKH and among the Regional Member Countries (RMCs)
  • Build capacities of young researchers in the field
  • Establish a network with other interested institutions to collaborate on future permafrost monitoring and analysis
  • Develop efficient communication between knowledge producers and stakeholders to identify needs and directly respond to identified gaps in permafrost research

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