Mina Setra


Deputy Secretary of AMAN
Deputy Secretary of AMAN
Deputy Secretary of AMAN

Mina Susana Setra is an indigenous woman leader (Dayak Pompakng) from West Kalimantan, Indonesia. She is currently the Deputy to Secretary General of AMAN on Social Culture Affairs. AMAN (Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago – Indonesia) has 2,373 indigenous communities as active members. For 18 years, Ms. Setra has worked on indigenous issues locally, nationally and internationally. During her time as Deputy on Advocacy, Law and Political Affairs, AMAN won the Constitutional Court Ruling No.35/2012 on Customary Forests as not state-forest. AMAN has also produced preliminary draft on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights for the National Congress or now abbreviated to the RUU Masyarakat Adat,.

Ms Setra is also the Co-Chair of Global Dedicated Grant Mechanism (DGM) under Forest Investment Program (FIP) of the World Bank, an innovative grant program of USD 80 million for fighting forest loss by putting project design and funding decisions in the hands of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) in 13 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. She was also member of Board of Trustee in the Ancestral Domain Registration Agency (BRWA), an agency where Indigenous Peoples can register maps of their territories, which has today reached 9,6 million hectares from all over Indonesia. She is also the President Board of the If Not Us Then Who, an organization that that supports a global awareness campaign highlighting the role Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities play in protecting our planet. Ms Setra has been actively involved in various international forum related to climate change and forest such as the UNFCCC COP, UNREDD Policy Board, Forest Investment Program, Oslo REDD+ Partnership, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, Climate Summit, among others.