Wirba Jullet


GLFx Yaounde chapter member, Secondary school teacher
GLFx Yaounde chapter member, Secondary school teacher
GLFx Yaounde chapter member, Secondary school teacher

Wirba Jullet is a holder of DIPES in biology and Bachelor of Science (BSC) in Microbiology from the Universities of Bamenda and Yaounde respectively. Jullet learnt about Climate Change while in Higher Teacher’s Training College in 2019. Motivated by the effects of Climate Change and environmental degradation on her community and the need to take action, she joined a club in her school where she co-educate students about climate change and environmental conservation. In 2022, she joined Support Humanity Cameroon (SUHUCAM), as a volunteer. Jullet believes that there is a powerful connection between education and climate change and has been advocating for more inclusion of climate change education into teaching curriculum.