Merijn Dols


Managing Partner
Managing Partner
Managing Partner
NOW Partners
NOW Partners
NOW Partners

An activist for a Regenerative Future by facilitating the paradigmatic shift that reconnects Economy and Ecology, a Circular Economy for Food activists, a system thinker and innovator (with two decades of experience in systemic experimentation and innovation in the food industry). Merijn is a Managing Partner at NOW Partners, a Co-Convener at the Future Economy Forum, a Lecturer at HEC Paris, and a former head of Open Innovation and Circular Economy at Danone. He also serves on several boards, like the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Thought for Food. ‘I made it my mission to be a driving force in a (food) revolution, a paradigmatic shift, as the source of a new socio-ecological system. I believe in a future of food as a force for regeneration. I want to leave a world in which ecological, economic and social interests are aligned. Food can nourish this system level shift through innovation, the adaptive power of the system, towards a resilient food system with a regenerative ecological, economic and social impact, by intent.’ Merijn holds a Bachelor’s in Design Engineering from The Hague University and an MBA in Circular Economy, Innovation and Intrapreneurship from Bradford School of Management.