Mas Ahmad Santosa


Co-Founder and CEO
Co-Founder and CEO
Co-Founder and CEO
Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative (IOJI)
Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative (IOJI)
Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative (IOJI)

Dr. Mas Achmad Santosa, S.H. LL.M. is the co-founder and (first) Executive Director of the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL), the Institute for Research and Advocacy for Judicial Independence (LeIP), and the Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative (IOJI). He is a lecturer of environmental law at the University of Indonesia and a trainer for environmental law certification training organized by the Indonesian Supreme Court. Previously, he was the Deputy of the Presidential Work Unit for Development Supervision and Control, Head of the IUU Fishing Prevention and Eradication Task Force at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, and Special Coordinator Staff in the Presidential Task Force 115 for the Eradication of Illegal Fishing. His many speaking engagements regarding blue carbon are at the Second UNOC 2022, Oslo International Environmental Law Conference 2022, and international webinars.