Joycelyn Longdon


Climate Activist & Founder
Climate Activist & Founder
Climate Activist & Founder
Climate In Colour
Climate In Colour
Climate In Colour

Joycelyn Longdon is a 23-year-old PhD student at Cambridge University in the Artificial Intelligence For Environmental Risk (AI4ER) Programme who researches AI applications for climate emergencies. Her research will take an interdisciplinary approach to investigate the role of technology in forest conservation. She is also the founder of Climate In Colour, an online education platform and community for the climate curious, making climate conversation more accessible and diverse. Since April 2020, the platform has grown to a community of 27k+ individuals and has collaborated with a wide range of committed organizations including Estee Lauder, Samsung, Oxford University, REN Skincare, The Design Museum, Cheltenham Science Festival, Fairtrade, Greenpeace and The Wellcome Collection.