Make your own #GLFClimate postcard!


The climate crisis knows no boundaries. From the Amazon rainforest to the vast Sahel region to the Arctic glaciers, climate change threatens to damage every ecosystem across the globe. But there is still time to avoid catastrophe by taking immediate action to protect our world’s landscapes.

Which ecosystem matters to you the most – and what are you willing to do to protect it?

Share your favorite landscape in a #GLFClimate postcard!


  • 1 Upload a photo of your preferred landscape.*
    Photo must be in landscape (horizontal) orientation.
  • 2 Add the location.
    Name the location where this picture was taken.
  • 3 Select a style for your postcard.
    Choose from one of the three available templates. Each one echoes the different thematic areas of GLF Climate.
  • 4 Share your postcard with the world!
    Download the postcard and share it directly on your favorite social media channel using #GLFClimate.

Ready to take action?

Register for #GLFClimate alongside COP27!

On 11 and 12 November, join leading scientists, activists, Indigenous leaders, financiers, youth and policymakers as we piece together the climate puzzle at GLF Climate: Frontiers of Change alongside COP27.