Karen Oliveira


External Affairs, Manager
The Nature Conservancy Brazil
The Nature Conservancy Brazil
The Nature Conservancy Brazil

Karen Oliveira is a Geologist, Energy and Environmental Planning M.Sc. (COPPE/UFRJ – Brazil); International Relations Ph.D (PUC-RJ – Brazil), an environmental professional with over 20 years of experience. Her 20 years of experience include work in International Cooperation between Brazil, Africa and Latin America in initiatives related to sustainable infrastructure development, promoting the climate agenda, managing protected areas and strengthening environmental governance. In her nine years at The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Karen has coordinated projects aimed at improving the effectiveness of environmental compensation for protected areas and traditional communities, the implementation of a green growth agenda to reduce deforestation in the State of Pará, and several studies for sustainable infrastructure development in the Amazon region. Karen is responsible for the Public Policy and Government Relations agenda for TNC in Brazil.