James Roshetko


Agroforestry System Scientist

James (Jim) Roshetko is an Agroforestry Systems Scientist with 37 years of experience, including 32 years working in Southeast and South Asia and 22 years living in Indonesia. In 1998, he developed and lead a joint smallholder tree farming research and development program for Winrock International and World Agroforestry (ICRAF). The program subsequently evolved into the ICRAF’s Southeast Asia regional Trees, Agroforestry Management and Markets unit, which he leads. Jim participates in a number of the Centre’s global research interests, including agroforestry germplasm supply systems, smallholders’ timber production systems, smallholders’ marketing, tree domestication, and agroforestry extension. His dissertation at the University of Copenhagen focused on smallholders’ agroforestry systems for enhancement of livelihoods and carbon storage. The focus of Jim’s research is to generate and apply science-based knowledge to enhance rural development options through improved sustainable environmental management. The central theme of his work is smallholder agroforestry systems as viable components of a climate-smart, multifunctional landscape-management approach that enhances local livelihoods, protects environmental services, and achieves sustainable environmental management. He collaborates with colleagues and graduate students to facilitate and implement research activities that support ICRAF’s mission and vision across Southeast Asia and with other regions. Partner organizations include national to local governments, technical and research agencies, conservation organizations, communities and individual farmers, and donor organizations.