Partner Event

Bioeconomy Innovation Day 2024

05 June 2024
Lemgo, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

The development and uptake of renewable, circular solutions are essential for achieving the green transition – and a stronger reliance on bio-based products and materials is key to this.

Today, construction, food packaging, and industrial manufacturing are highly material-intensive sectors that must be transformed into circular and increasingly bio-based sectors.

The Bioregions Facility has adopted this vision. Its implementation requires us to bridge the knowledge-innovation divide, speed up the uptake of new solutions, and strengthen cross-sectoral collaboration. We are all in this together.

The Bioeconomy Innovation Day 2024, 5 June 2024, in Lemgo, North Rhine-Westphalia, will provide a unique platform for learning, sharing, and growing in this direction. The event will gather forest innovators and leaders from industry, government, research, and other key stakeholders in the forest bioeconomy.

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