Mildred Crawford

Caribbean Network of Rural Women Producers
Caribbean Network of Rural Women Producers
Caribbean Network of Rural Women Producers
Farmers Co-Chair of the Executive Committee of the Global Assembly of Partners towards Habitat III (GAP)
Farmers Co-Chair of the Executive Committee of the Global Assembly of Partners towards Habitat III (GAP)
Farmers Co-Chair of the Executive Committee of the Global Assembly of Partners towards Habitat III (GAP)

Mildred is the Past President of Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers; a farmer, and practitioner in community organizing and people empowerment, working with women in rural communities for over 14 years. She is currently a President for St. Catherine chapter of Jamaica Agricultural Society. She spearheads projects for poverty reduction, social protection and is an advocate for rural women in Latin America and Caribbean territories.

She has participated as an expert in the Expert Group Meeting on “Enabling rural women’s economic empowerment: institutions, opportunities and participation” based on expertise and experience in the subject matter/ rural women. This allowed the opportunity to write and discuss a paper on Women’s Role in Agriculture and contribute to the formulation of recommendations for the report of the CSW56 meeting. This was held in Accra Ghana, in September 2011.

Currently, Co-Chair for Farmers PCG at General Assembly of Partners; and sits before UNWomen as Civil Society Advisor on behalf of rural/grass root women of Latin America and Caribbean. She works assiduously in the agricultural sector especially on the issue of Climate change and economic empowerment.