• 12 October 2023
  • 09:00-09:45
  • Room: Karura Hall

Linking agroecology and ecosystem-based adaptation for climate-resilient landscapes


Karura Hall

Ecosystem-based adaptation and agroecology are two crucial tools for building climate-resilient landscapes. In this session, we will present a GIZ study on agroecology and ecosystem-based adaptation, supported by the German government, as well as a policy brief. In five practical steps, we will illustrate how the two approaches can be aligned and showcase three projects that demonstrate practical examples at the local level.

First, a representative from GIZ ProSoil project in Madagascar will elaborate on the lessons learned from improving farming systems through agroecological practices, showing its potentials and barriers for climate change adaptation and food security.

Next, WWF Kenya will illustrate its focus on capacity building of farmers in Taita Teveta County in Kenya for applied ecosystem-based adaptation.

Lastly, a GIZ project working in Ecuador, Costa Rica and Guatemala will demonstrate how ecosystem-based adaptation can be scaled up in Latin America to create more resilient rural landscapes.

The session aims to enhance linkages between ecosystem-based adaptation and agroecology, in line with creating synergies between the three Rio Conventions. On behalf of the Agroecology Coalition, Oliver Oliveros will wrap up the discussion and provide a closing statement.

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