• Day 2: Thursday, 30 August 2018
  • 11:00-12:30
  • Room: Conference room 1

Side Event 6: Restoration opportunities in Kenya forests and rangelands through application of spatial and temporal datasets, ecosystem services valuation and support to community conservancies.


Conference room 1

USAID Environment Office supports Northern Range Trust (NRT), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the Regional Centre for Mapping Resources for Development (RCMRD) and the US Forest Service to implement biodiversity conservation activities in various landscapes in Kenya.

USAID support to these institutions has developed innovations and technologies including establishing community conservancies, valuation of ecosystem cervices, restoring community lands and providing climate services. This event will help share these innovations with scientists, practitioners, and farmers from the world. Representatives from NRT, RCMRD, TNC and USFS will present the innovations and technologies they have deployed in landscape restoration after an introduction from USAID Mission Director. The event will also accommodate a Q&A with the audience.

NRT contributes to landscape restoration by supporting the local community to develop grazing plans; land use planning; rotational grazing; bunched grazing; rehabilitation of landscape through removal of invasive species and soil conservation; and building the capacity of local institutions by developing grazing bylaws implemented by community conservancies.

The US Forest works with the Kenya Forest Service and the Kenya Forestry Research Institute to provide decision makers with quantitative information on ecosystem services values aimed at spurring resource allocation to landscape restoration and conservation in key water towers in Kenya.

RCMRD improves capacity of analysts and decision-makers to use earth observation information and geospatial information technologies for biodiversity conservation.

TNC supports community based institutions through fund raising, conservation planning, rangeland monitoring, and geospatial and climate change technical support. They also promote sustainable businesses and connect community, public and private protected areas.