• Day 1: Wednesday, 29 August 2018
  • 17:45-19:15

3 parallel Discussion Forums

Our discussion forum is specifically focused on case studies (Forest Landscape Restoration in Madagascar (Fandriana-Marolambo) and Uganda (Mityana-Bugiri). It will present and discuss how the upscaling of the project level activities can be supported by existing field experience and governmental cross-cutting implementation of sustainable landscape approaches, how governance framework supports the restoration of the landscape, and what the role of a project facility fund could play. The launch of the NGP Uganda mini-Documentary will be used as a communications hook.

Draft Program  – 90 mins

Moderator:  Representative from GLF Youth

Program / Script:

  1. Thematic introduction by the moderator 3 mins
  2. Keynote speaker 5-10 mins (tbd) – focus: AFR100 pathways on FLR upscaling
  • Stefan Schmitz – Head of Directorate Food, Rural Developments, Natural Resources, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
  • BMZ’s engagement in FLR in Africa so far and why FLR is a priority for development?
  • How AFR100 can help to roll-out FLR at scale?
  • What is the role of a FLR project facility fund?
  1. Case study Uganda 20 mins – focus: New Generation Plantations in Africa, Creating Shared Value at landscape scale (15 mins presentation, 5 minutes commentary)
  • Norman Rigava – WWF Uganda, Coordinator Africa Rift Lakes Priority Place
  • Patrick Mugenyi – New Forests Company Uganda, CEO (NGP Participant)

Objective: New Generations Plantations as a cutting edge innovative approach that includes private sector finance and provide a benefit for communities. To discuss the importance of a new generations of plantations for up-scaling forest landscape restoration in Africa.

Key questions:

  • How can we use responsible plantation forestry as an engine for sustainable development at landscape scale?
  • How can plantation companies partner with communities to create shared value, by reducing business risk and improving rural livelihoods?
  • What innovative financing solutions can scale up sustainable plantation forestry in Africa?
  1. Case Study Madagascar 20 mins – Sharing important lessons learnt from 13 Years of Restoration in a Moist Tropical Forest: The Fandriana-Marolambo Landscape in Madagascar

Objective: Present and discuss success factors for a self-sustaining restoration program based on 13 years restoration experience in Madagascar.

  • Simon Rafanomezantsoa, Senior Officer, Terrestrial Biodiversity, WWF Madagascar Country Office – 10 minutes presentation
  • Government Representative MD (tbd)


Key issues:

  • Role of (community based) governance structures for restoration as an enabling condition?
  • Importance of both social and ecological dimension to FLR
  • Key factors and enablers: scale, time and partnerships
  1. Trillion Trees Programme (TTP) 20 mins – focus: governmental support and capacity building to lever FLR at scale – how does it works by TTP
  • Tim Rayden, TTP
  1. Q&A with Audience – 17 mins
  2. Wrap up 5 mins – Summary and reflexions on FLR case studies and FLR accelerators
  • Jackson Kiplagat from WWF Kenya
  • Role of WWF in FLR per new Strategy from local to global and vice versa
  • AFR100 in Africa as an initiative to enable FLR at the discussed scale and quality – capacity building – processes, next steps and needs to speed up
  • Challenge: funding of bankable projects for AFR 100 – Development of a Project Facility Fund

Presentation files:

Beyond effective financial mobilization and adequate political momentum, successful restoration initiatives will require a ground swell of community support and action. This session will focus on innovative outreach tactics to mobilize public support while also assessing current progress towards building a landscape restoration movement.

In this session we will be motivated by inspiring performances, engaging panels, and creative ideas co-created by all attendees. By showcasing new voices – creators, innovators, and community activists – we seek to learn from waves created within broader environmental movements to identify new insights for application to restoration. It is our hope that this session will spark a new approach and mindset, encompassing cultural elements, for fostering public and community support towards FLR.

This session will initiate a discussion on the dynamics of securing rights to trees by harnessing the values of trees through changing access to technologies, markets and finance in Sub-Saharan Africa. The goals are to improve our current knowledge of tree tenure dynamics and increase recognition of the value of trees on farms to different users. It assumes that improved recognition of the values of, and rights to trees in land use decision-making and related policies and programs may provide an innovative pathway to sustain forested landscapes without recourse to costly restoration activities. Sub-optimal tenure rules may jeopardize this. The session will feature a facilitated panel discussion with four cases from Ghana, Burkina Faso, Kenya and Uganda.