• Day 1: Wednesday, 29 August 2018
  • 14:00-15:30
  • Room: Conference Room 2

Opening Plenary


Conference Room 2

This plenary will highlight the importance and urgency of dialogue on Africa’s restoration, frame the two days of discussion and set the positive, ambitious tone to lead to action and the building of a community of practice. The plenary will highlight successful projects and processes across Africa that are starting to have a positive impact on restoration. One key focus will be the importance of “working together” in overcoming challenges, the networks and partnerships (at organisational, regional and cross-sectoral level) that can have an impact. This session will challenge participants to strengthen and deepen networks in the GLF to accelerate action.

Key questions:

– What are the pathways for success for the continent? What has worked? What is working?

– How do we get the right, full, range of voices from across the spectrum working together to overcome the big challenges we are facing?

– Who should lead this process? Is there even the need for a leader? And how can we bring enough people along to create a real movement across the continent?