• Saturday, 30 November 2019
  • 15:45-17:00 GMT+1
  • Room: Salle C

Carbon Financing, Offsetting and Corporate Mitigation Strategies


Salle C

Faced with public pressure, regulation and increasing climate risks companies need to transition towards low carbon business models. In the absence of mature technological solutions, direct investment in forest ecosystem restoration through offsetting can provide a stopgap strategy towards medium and long-term ambitious mitigation goals. A commitment to invest in carbon capture through forest ecosystem restoration and enhancement of carbon stocks can, under the right conditions, generate good quality carbon offsets. This model fits companies that have a mitigation need that cannot be met under current circumstances and foresee a shortage of future supply of affordable high-quality offsets.

The session will explore the conditions upon which this type of investment can result in win-win situations for the private sector and society at large taking into account issues of accounting, trends in the price of carbon, safeguards, and alignment with the forthcoming Article 6. The main objective of the session is to facilitate private financing in nature-based solutions. The session will identify practical challenges and opportunities for private industries and the financial sector.