• Saturday, 30 November 2019
  • 10:15-11:30 GMT+1
  • Room: Salle C

Unlocking Sustainable Finance to Transform Food Systems Under a Changing Climate


Salle C

Building on the “Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate” initiative, led by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, along with other key partners, a number of leading banks and investors will discuss how to move sustainable land-use financing into the mainstream.

The session will start by launching the “Financing the Transformation of Food Systems Under a Changing Climate” report and its strategic sustainable finance roadmap. Then, a panel of private investors will discuss the role that sustainable finance and capital markets can play in accelerating the transition from niche to mainstream investments in sustainable land-use. They will also discuss specific strategies and innovative solutions that mainstream investors can use to reorient and leverage capital flows to sustainable land-use business models that are financially attractive and deliver environmental and social impact.