• Saturday, 30 November 2019
  • 15:45-17:00 GMT+1
  • Room: Conference Room 1

Dragon’s Den (ICFA Announcements)


Conference Room 1

Raising capital for startups can be challenging, getting the attention of investors and relevant policy makers can be frustrating and delivering a perfect elevator pitch while hitting the right notes can be time consuming. Investment ready projects in landscape management or restoration, seeking financing have applied to this year’s Dragons Den. They will pitch to investors, get in front of high level policy makers and organizations and receive invaluable feedback, build strategic partnerships and gain high profile media exposure.

The Dragon’s Den in Luxembourg will offer the possibility to present landscape related winners of the 3rd call for application of the International Climate Finance Accelerator (ICFA). They will have the possibility to pitch their business models and investment concepts to mobilize attention of new partners and potential investors.

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