• 11 November 2022
  • 09:00-10:00
  • Room: Digital Room 1

Youth at the frontiers of change: Awareness raising about ecosystem restoration as a solution for climate change and biodiversity loss


Digital Room 1

The proposed session aims to raise awareness in the climate community, highlighting Ecosystem Restoration in general and Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in particular as nature-based solutions (NbS) contributing to mitigation and adaptation for the fight against climate change and benefiting biodiversity conservation. It will highlight approaches and experiences on FLR communication and awareness raising by the Dutch NGO Justdiggit and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, specifically focusing on mobilizing youth. It will showcase Justdiggit’s practical experiences from ongoing local FLR awareness-raising campaigns in collaboration with GIZ’s project Forests4Future in Ethiopia and the UN Decades approach to empower a global movement in #generationrestoration, striving for restoration-friendly consumption.

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