• 11 November 2022
  • 12:00-12:30
  • Room: Digital Room 1

Loss and damage: Funding climate justice


Digital Room 1

The climate crisis’s most extreme weather events and impacts are hitting the most vulnerable communities and landscapes. According to article 8 of the 2015 Paris Agreement, “parties recognize the importance of averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change including extreme weather events and slow onset events.”

But is recognition of these realities the best we can do as humanity? With no concrete answer from COP26 for heads of state of the majority world and young activists in the Global South, the issues of “adaptation finance” and “loss and damage” continue to be their top priorities on the agenda for COP27. For this Youth Daily Show, we are sitting down with activists from the frontlines of the climate crisis to shine a light on what these issues really mean for the world today and tomorrow.