• 11 November 2022
  • 13:00-13:30
  • Room: The Egypt Hall

Launch of the Land Rights Standard: Finding common ground


The Egypt Hall

Why is it essential for non-state actors to follow common principles that ensure their climate, biodiversity, and sustainable development investments are rights-based? How can we elevate the rights and aspirations of Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and Afro-Descendant Peoples? And what is the role of women and youth in all of this?

In a 30-minute launch, get answers to these questions and learn about the importance and potential impact of the Standard. You will also interact with the panelists and hear the stories from participants in the Indigenous-led process that led to the Standard.

#GLFClimate #LandRightsNow

Are you a journalist and want to request an interview or join the session as a press member to ask panelists questions live? Contact Kelly Quintero at