• 07 November 2021
  • 17:30-18:15
  • Room: Hybrid: Bute Hall

Increasing Local Impacts: From Finance Commitments to Bold Action


Hybrid: Bute Hall

Less than 2% of all climate finance flows are currently channeled to small-scale farmers (IFAD, 2020). Nature-based solutions (NbS) have the potential to reconcile social, economic and environmental interests. If financed at the level required, they can generate positive impacts for rural populations, including green jobs, long-term provision of ecosystem services, and climate change adaptation and mitigation benefits. This plenary will address possible ways of solving the funding gap for local communities and explore good practices for greening finance and financing green with potential for local impacts at scale. Reflecting on the key messages and proposals discussed during the day, the plenary will lay out concrete actions to be taken by various stakeholders – including the private sector – in order to increase sustainable finance flows for NbS. The session will also highlight lessons learned and good practices on how sustainable value chains and financing mechanisms can improve financing for NbS and benefit-sharing.