• 07 November 2021
  • 11:00-12:15
  • Room: Hybrid: Bute Hall

Greening Finance & Financing Green: Opportunities and Challenges for a Holistic Approach to Boosting Finance for Nature


Hybrid: Bute Hall

The question is not if we move, but if we are able to move quickly enough, and if we are able to move together and create the right alliances,” said Carole Dieschbourg, Luxembourg’s Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, in her opening address at the fourth GLF Investment Case Symposium in 2019. ‘Financing green’ and ‘greening finance’ are two sides of the same coin, and they enable us to respond to the above challenge by providing an opportunity for increased coherence and depth in efforts to achieve ecosystem restoration objectives and zero-deforestation value chains while delivering the mitigation and adaptation benefits our planet requires.
As the World Bank defines it, ‘financing green’ refers to the financing of projects that contribute – or intend to contribute – to the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of biodiversity and its services to people. Meanwhile, ‘greening finance’ is centered on directing financial flows away from projects with a negative impact on biodiversity and ecosystems, and towards projects that mitigate the negative impact – or pursue positive environmental impact as a co-benefit. This plenary will examine ways to hasten the move towards the adoption and incorporation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and sustainable land-use approaches in sustainable finance practices while exploring new opportunities to help increase financing for sustainable land use activities.