• 07 November 2021
  • 14:00-15:30
  • Room: Hybrid: Senate Room

Green Agenda for the Western Balkans – Biomass Energy for Sustainability and Jobs


Hybrid: Senate Room

The session takes a geographical focus on the Western Balkan region, showcasing biomass plantation pilot projects from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Serbia in collaboration with various national stakeholders (EPS, Mayor of Cestereg, and Subotica Landfill in Serbia; EPBiH in Bosnia and Herzegovina). Sustainable biomass production could enable Western Balkan states to justly transition from out of coal and increase the share of sustainable renewable energy sources into the energy mix. The panelists, including national and provincial authorities and private sector representatives, will offer various viewpoints on the implementation of a transformational Green Agenda in the Western Balkans that integrates other renewable energy sources (such as wind, solar, geothermal) into the mix, for greater energy security.

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