• 07 November 2021
  • 18:15-19:30
  • Room: Hybrid: Bute Hall

GLF Climate Closing Plenary – Frontiers of Change


Hybrid: Bute Hall

We are poised at a critical moment in human and planetary history: the decisive decade to act against climate change and restore our relationship with nature. Over the last three days, we have heard extensively about why forests, food and finance are key to securing a sustainable future.

But what we have been doing is not enough. Transformative change requires radical collaboration and integrated action at speed and scale, across forests, food and finance – as we call them, the ‘frontiers of change’.

At the Closing Plenary of GLF Climate, be inspired and challenged by climate champions from the grassroots to the global. Ordinary citizens, activists, youth, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, business, government and development leaders will join us at the University of Glasgow – and online from around the world – to pave the way for action beyond COP26.