Happening now! GLF Africa 2024 Hybrid Conference: Greening the African Horizon LIVE NOW: Learn how Africa can show the world a sustainable way forward at GLF Africa 2024 TODAY: Meet policymakers, CEOs, Indigenous leaders, scientists, youth and more at the global hybrid conference Be part of the most important conversation on the future of African landscapes, join now


  • 07 November 2021
  • 10:30-11:00
  • Room: GLF Studio 1

Climate Talks Martin Halle and Ivo Mulder

GLF Studio 1

The GLF “Climate Talks” segment provides a picture of what is already happening to trigger positive tipping points by bringing the visions, stories, innovations and climate actions from the GLF community to the global stage. Tune in throughout the GLF Climate Hybrid Conference to get inspired by the experts, innovators and business leaders who are disrupting business as usual and driving forward new frontiers in the forest, food and finance sectors.