• 06 November 2021
  • 12:00-13:30
  • Room: Channel 1

Into the Wild: Climate Resilient Crops for a Drier, Hotter World


Channel 1

This session will celebrate the major successes and lessons learned over a decade of adapting crops to climate change through the pioneering Crop Wild Relatives Project. It will bring together stakeholders from the project and explore the urgent need to collect and use crop wild relatives to combat the devastating effects of the rapidly changing climate. It will promote the participatory approach and the need for researchers and breeders to work closely with farmers and farming communities. As the project comes to a close, we’ll also look to its sister project, BOLD, funded with USD 58 million from the Government of Norway, managed by the Crop Trust and launched in 2021.

Relevant Resource(s):

Useful Website(s):
BOLD press release: