• 06 November 2021
  • 14:30-15:30
  • Room: Hybrid: Bute Hall

FOLUR Impact Program Launch: Driving Climate Action through Food Systems Transformation


Hybrid: Bute Hall

Join special guests and partners for the launch of The Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Program. The event will be broadcast directly from GLF Climate hosted by the Global Landscapes Forum on the sidelines of COP26 in Glasgow. Led by the World Bank and supported by the Global Environment Facility, FOLUR promotes an integrated approach to reduce the environmental impact of food production through sustainable landscapes and agricultural value chains at scale.
FOLUR targets the production landscapes and value chains of eight commodities in 27 countries, including beef, cocoa, corn, coffee, palm oil, rice, soy and wheat. Collaborators include GLF, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Finance Corporation (IFC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Good Growth Partnership, and the Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU).

Follow FOLUR on Twitter @FOLURImpact.