• 05 November 2021
  • 18:00-19:00
  • Room: Hybrid: Bute Hall

Landscapes for Forests and Food


Hybrid: Bute Hall

The ways we use our land to produce food and other goods and services are responsible for just under a quarter of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Within this segment, the most significant contributors are deforestation and agricultural emissions from livestock, soil and nutrient management.

It’s also on the land where climate change has its most considerable immediate effects on people’s livelihoods. Whether different land-uses are mutually exclusive as in protected forest ecosystems and highly intensified crop fields or combined as in agroforestry systems, we need integrated leadership and policies to govern land use in ways that balance goals from different sectors.

Restoration is a key intervention to bridge the conservation and food production agendas, and it can help to overcome historical administrative and sectorial silos. Regenerative practices such as agroforestry, crop diversification, reduced tillage, and many more, will reduce GHG emissions. To take these to scale, we need policies and incentives that enable smallholders to reconstruct local and regional agri-food systems and value chains.

In this plenary, we will discuss solutions for managing forests and agriculture to realize mitigation and adaptation targets with experts and practitioners.

This brings us to a second positive tipping point which is food system transformation.
Useful Publication:
Landscapes for Forests and Food