• 05 November 2021
  • 10:30-11:45
  • Room: Channel 2

Forests, Trees and Agroforestry: From a Decade of Research to a Decade of Impacts


Channel 2

FTA is wrapping-up a decade of research 2011-2021 and looking for the future: investigating new research and new knowledge needed, but also how to bring it to action on the ground. This also requires new partnerships. A push for action does not mean that the research period is over, but that research needs to be embedded into action.

The session will present the upcoming FTA new series of publications “Highlights of a Decade” and showcase emblematic examples from 10 years of research under the FTA program, showing how these have been brought to action and impact, focusing on links to climate, food, biodiversity agendas. A discussion with stakeholders at national and international level on the role they see for research to help them achieve their own objectives, and how they see in practice this role going forward in the 9 years up to 2030 and the SDGs will complement the session.

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