• 05 November 2021
  • 16:15-17:45
  • Room: Hybrid: Bute Hall

Community Forests: Scaling their Contribution to Climate Resilience in the Tropics


Hybrid: Bute Hall

Over the last 30 years, forests have been increasingly at the center of discussions within multilateral agreements on climate. Recent global initiatives have focused much attention on either reducing deforestation by conserving existing forests or restoring degraded land through reforestation.
However, less attention has been given to improved forest management and forests restoration by local communities, which plays an important role in reducing the impact of climate change. It also addresses the many interconnected drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, by increasing resilience, both economically and ecologically. Numerous examples demonstrate that community forestry can significantly contribute to climate adaptation and mitigation.
Through this session, the Rainforest Alliance and its partners will highlight the importance of community forestry in contributing to stopping forest degradation and enhancing climate adaptation and mitigation. Case studies of responsible forest management and productive forest restoration conducted by local communities or Indigenous Peoples, at the crossroad between forestry and agriculture, will be given. We will present how trade-offs between enhanced ecosystem resilience and increased livelihoods can be met.
We will also explore the role of companies, governments and financiers on how to further support community forests and what is needed to scale up this support at the landscape level, identifying and addressing barriers.

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