Join us for an exclusive screening of Ya La Terre (2023), a poignant short documentary by Gabonese director Nadine Otsobogo. The film tells the story of Brice, a young Gabonese farmer practicing peri-urban agriculture in Libreville, highlighting his deep connection to the land. Following the screening, Otsobogo will engage in a thoughtful discussion, sharing her journey as a filmmaker, the founding of the Masuku Environment Festival in Gabon and the creative process behind Ya La Terre. This session offers a unique opportunity to explore the intersection of storytelling and environmental consciousness in African cinema.
Nadine Otsobogo is a Gabonese filmmaker with several productions to her name, including Dialemi, which won the Bronze Stallion of Yennenga at FESPACO 2013. Dialemi was also recognized by the César Academy as one of the 35 best short films of 2015. Nadine founded the Masuku Film Festival, which brings together filmmakers from around the world to focus on themes of nature and the environment.