• 15:55-16:40
  • Room: Hybrid, Conference Hall

Restoring forest landscapes in Africa: Aligning climate and environmental protection with rights to land and economic perspectives


Hybrid, Conference Hall

Millions of hectares of diverse landscapes will be needed worldwide to achieve global climate, environmental, and development goals, such as the Sustainable Development Goals and Rio Conventions. In this spirit, 34 countries have pledged almost 130 million hectares for restoration under the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100).

The session will dive into the complex and multilayered fields of governance and action behind the impressive numbers of hectares to be restored. It will cover people as rights holders, their land and livelihoods, strengthening rural resilience, leveraging economic opportunities, and creating prospects for local communities, women and young people while restoring ecosystems and their services and functions at the same time.

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