• 02 June 2021
  • 09:30-11:00

From community-led restoration to carbon-enhancing landscapes


Building on practical cases from West, East, and Southern Africa, discussions in this session will explore community-led soil and land restoration that creates tangible benefits for communities and ecosystems by:

  • Providing insights on inclusive knowledge-sharing models that enhance access to context-specific data and practical toolkits on soil and land restoration
  • Highlighting community-led “social innovations” that help tackle structural barriers to equitable land rights and other governance challenges
  • Showcasing entry points for win-win restoration approaches that incentivize private investments in the sustainable management of shared natural resources

We hope that the discussions will develop practical insights for restoration pathways that simultaneously address social, technical, economic, and institutional barriers to the sustainable use of land, water, energy, and other natural resources.

Related publications:

Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security

From the Bottom Up: Investment Guide for creating an enabling environment for sustainable land management

Systemic Challenges, Systemic Responses. Innovating Adaptation to Climate Change through Agroecology

Creating an Enabling Environment for Land Degradation Neutrality and its Potential Contribution to Enhancing Well-being, Livelihoods and the Environment

Final Decision on Land Tenure

Related websites:

Regreening Africa: A collaborative initiative to scale-up evergreen agriculture, using locally appropriate techniques including Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration. A TMG Research project exploring social innovations to protect soils and empower people.


Read more: White PaperÂ