• 07 March 2023
  • 12:30-13:30
  • Room: Room D

How to scale finance for ecosystem restoration: Solutions from the private sector and development partners


Room D

Ecosystem restoration is a key to achieving development, climate, and nature goals. Three-quarters of the Earth’s ice-free land surface and two-thirds of its marine environment have been significantly altered and at least 20% of its land surface is now degraded, according to IPBES. This has taken a toll on nature’s ability to provide goods and services that communities and economic sectors depend on. Restoration is on the political agenda, as reflected in the Kunming–Montreal global biodiversity framework that set a target to restore at least 30% of degraded areas by 2030, but it faces a financing gap. Key barriers such as lack of data and knowledge about bankable business models involving restoration; difficulties with monetizing the benefits of restoration, perverse incentives, and lack of access to finance mean that restoration continues to rely on public funding, with minimal participation from the private sector.

This session, organized by the World Bank-led Finance Taskforce under the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, will highlight some of the most promising models and financial solutions that are unlocking private investment in restoration across different sectors and ecosystems. Please join this session to learn more about these experiences in a dynamic conversation with corporate and financial leaders investing in restoration.