Emmanuel Seck


Regional Representative West and Central Africa
Regional Representative West and Central Africa
Regional Representative West and Central Africa
ENDA Energie
ENDA Energie
ENDA Energie

Emmanuel Seck is an Environmentalist and Knowledge Manager who works at ENDA as a Program Manager. He has considerable experience in leading programs on Adaptation to Climate change, Climate Finance, Sustainable Land Management, and Disaster Risk Management. He is currently a member of the UNFCCC Expert Group on Action and Support (ASEG) of the WIM Executive Committee and a member of the Global Board of the Global Network for Disaster Reduction as regional representative of West and Central Africa.

Mr. Seck is a Lead fellow Cohorte10 on Environment and Sustainable Development, a former member of the Board of Directors of Climate Action Network International (CAN International) and former Chair of the UNCCD CSO International Panel.