Constance Neely


Stakeholder Approach to Risk-informed and Evidence-based Decision-making (SHARED) Lead
Stakeholder Approach to Risk-informed and Evidence-based Decision-making (SHARED) Lead
Stakeholder Approach to Risk-informed and Evidence-based Decision-making (SHARED) Lead

Constance joined World Agroforestry in 2010 and facilitates the development of program and strategic initiatives. She is also a senior consultant on land, livestock, livelihoods and climate change with a focus on smallholder, pastoral and sylvopastoral systems. She holds a PhD in agroecology with an emphasis on conservation agriculture, and is a Certified International Facilitator and Holistic Management Educator.

Constance has served as a facilitator for sustainable development, sustainable agriculture and rural development, and holistic, people-centered and multi-stakeholder approaches for the last 25 years. As a senior consultant to the UN FAO, she has worked on participatory sustainable land management, sustainable agriculture and rural development, sustainable livelihoods, and been a facilitator of electronic and face-to-face multi-stakeholder dialogues as well as global, regional and national strategic planning and training efforts on sustainable agriculture, land and water related topics. Constance has also served as a consultant to the World Bank, IFAD and the OECD.

Previously she has served as Vice President for Advocacy and climate change expert for Heifer International, Director of International Education for Holistic Management and Deputy Director of the USAID Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Collaborative Research Support Program (SANREM CRSP) working in Asia, Africa and Latin America. She is the past president of the International Farming Systems Association and serves on the International Landcare Committee. Constance co-chairs the Global Livestock Working Group (Kenya) and the Grasslands Carbon Working Group (Global). She is a co-founder of Kalani Organica Coffees and Teas in Seattle, Washington and Hallowed Hawk Farms in Watkinsville, Georgia, USA.