Max Yamauchi Levy


International and Latin American Model Forest Networks (IMFN and LAMFN)
International and Latin American Model Forest Networks (IMFN and LAMFN)
International and Latin American Model Forest Networks (IMFN and LAMFN)

Max Levy is a Project Manager at EcoAgriculture Partners and an active member of the International and Latin American Model Forest Networks (IMFN and LAMFN). He plays a key role in the 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People initiative, designing and coordinating training processes and tools to strengthen the capacity of landscape partnerships and leaders to advance integrated landscape management initiatives for transformational change.

He holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) and a Master of Science in Development and Conservation from the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE, Costa Roca). His experience spans environmental conservation, territorial and forest governance, regenerative agriculture, landscape restoration, and capacity building across both public and private sectors. He has worked with organizations such as FAO, CATIE, and Natural Resources Canada. Max is passionate about participatory territorial governance, forest landscape restoration, regenerative food systems, and education.