Fabiola Berrocal


Technical and M&E Manager for the Business Case for Collective Landscape Action initiative
Technical and M&E Manager for the Business Case for Collective Landscape Action initiative
Technical and M&E Manager for the Business Case for Collective Landscape Action initiative
Rainforest Alliance
Rainforest Alliance
Rainforest Alliance

Fabiola Berrocal, Technical and Monitoring Manager of the Business Case Initiative. She has a degree in Food Industry Engineering and a Master’s in Social Investment Management from Universidad del Pacífico. Since 2010, she has worked in monitoring and evaluation roles for climate change, biodiversity, agroforestry and rural development projects in international organizations such as the Global Green Growth Institute, the United Nations Development Program UNDP, the Organization of United Nations for Food and Agriculture FAO. Fabiola has also participated in the formulation and management of assessments of various climate change projects from donors such as the GEF, IKI, Norway, among others.