Achmad Zainudin


Association of wood products Jepara
Association of wood products Jepara
Association of wood products Jepara

Mr. Achmad Zainudin is a native of Jepara, the world carving center and renowned furniture industry. He holds a Master’s degree in Fine Arts from Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, and Bachelor’s in Product Design from Technology and Design School Nahdlatul Ulama, Jepara. Mr. Zainudin is a practitioner himself. He owns a furniture company and holds a teaching position as a lecturer in Product Design Studies at the University of Nahdlatul Ulama since 2018. He is also a chairman of APKJ (Asosiasi Pengrajin Kayu Jepara/ Wood Products Association of Jepara). He has a strong network with other wood product enterprises and associations through his involvement as a member of the Chamber of Commerce Jepara, Product Designer Alliance (ADPII), and Furniture Designer Associate (HDMI). He has been a resource person, trainer, and jury for product and craft design events in Asia, Russia, and Europe