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26th IUFRO World Congress

23 - 29 June 2024
All day
Stockholm, The Stockholm Exhibition and Congress Centre


The IUFRO World Congress is one of the largest global forest events, held every five years since 1893. The congress gives a unique opportunity to gather worldwide leading scientists and top leaders to contribute and co-create for a sustainable future within forestry, climate and society – aligned with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The IUFRO World Congress 2024 is a collaborative global network platform with great opportunity for knowledge sharing and getting access to the latest science and research. The outcome of the event will also set the future research agenda and roadmap for next generations, this time focusing on the congress theme Forests & Society Towards 2050.

The congress week gives the delegates great opportunity to discuss the important role of our forests. We offer arenas for innovations, forward-looking dialogues, and the foundations for collaborations.

The world gathers in Stockholm

Meet the collective world expertise on the importance of forests for society, in Stockholm 2024. Take the opportunity to build the future together with global expertise in forestry and climate in connection to the societal development towards 2050.

  • Leading scientists and top leaders from all over the world.
  • Co-create and find solutions for a sustainable future.
  • Focus on next generations and green employment.
  • A meeting platform for innovation.

Forests & society towards 2050

By 2050, drastic changes are expected through population growth, climate change, globalization and a growing world economy, thus putting tremendous pressure on forests and their governance.

2050 is a landmark year to achieve the vision of Living in Harmony with Nature of the Convention on Biological Diversity as well as the target of net zero emissions. With a focus on forest contribution to the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals, the IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm 2024 will help streamlining the forest research agendas, furthering dialogues and cross-sector collaboration, and promoting the multi-functionality of forests and their services.


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