Marvin López



Marvin López is co-founder of the Association of small producers – APODIP-, which was formed by 1300 families in 80 communities. He has 19 years of experience working as a manager, and more than 30 years of experience in the field of consulting and development, working in government institutions, non-governmental organizations, and private initiatives. He has successfully performed in strengthening community organizing processes, administrative management, human resource management, and fair trade and organic certification processes for the international market as a mechanism for differentiation and value creation. He assisted in the formulation and implementation of projects with strategic allies in the central government sector and local authorities, as well as with international support organizations (NGOs). He brings great experience in the implementation of coffee, cocoa, honey, and cardamom, with organized small producers and private sector coffee farm management.
With his outstanding participation in networks of organizations (cooperatives and associations) of small producers in Fair Trade at the national and international levels, he took positions by election in the General Assembly of members.