Makhumbo Munthali

Director of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Malawi Human Rights Commission


Makhumbo Munthali is the director of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at the Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC), where he provides overall leadership of the Directorate of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the protection and promotion of human rights and investigations of human rights violations. This includes providing leadership overall projects being implemented under the Directorate, including the Human Rights Based Land Governance Monitoring Project, which MHRC is implementing in partnership with TMG Think Tank for Sustainability, the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

He has over nine years of experience managing and coordinating district, national and international level governance projects and advocacy initiatives. He holds a Master of Arts in Public Administration and Management (MPAM) from the Department of Political and Administrative Studies (PAS) at Chancellor College, University of Malawi.